RQA combines a traditional static framework to investing with its proprietary dynamic allocation strategies. By introducing dynamic models that can tilt portfolios based on the current economic and market environments, the RQA Model Portfolios aim to reduce overall portfolio risk by constantly focusing on enhanced diversification and improved balance. Constantly and consistently assessing the current market environment allows the Dynamic Model Portfolios to target a smoother investment experience for end clients, all while maintaining expected return targets over time.
Illustrative RQA Model Portfolios
Benefits to RQA Dynamic Model Portfolios
The combination of strategic static portfolios with RQA’s dynamic strategies aims to create a more robust and dependable investment approach. Key benefits of the the RQA Model Portfolios include:
Relaxes the constraints of traditional static portfolios with a “go anywhere” style
Targets a meaningful reduction in overall portfolio risk, seeking to smooth out the investment experience for end clients
Utilizes fundamental economic data and market technical data to transition asset class positions as economic environments and market conditions evolve
The RQA Model Portfolios use highly-liquid, low-cost exchanges traded funds (ETFs) for their deployment.
RQA’s Model Portfolios are offered to individual investors and advisors within separately managed accounts (SMAs), third party asset management platforms (TAMPs), and index delivery solutions.
Invest in RQA Dynamic Model Portfolios
Supporting Research
Taking Diversification a Step Further
Sequence Risk: The Path Your Portfolio Takes Matters
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